We start from a prerequisite: the absolutely importance of the ventilation for a building. In Every building such as an apartment, an office, a where house, a shopping center, an hospital… an incorrect ventilation can create problems for those living or working there. And also for the conditions of the building. While a correct ventilation- that consist in a constant replacement of compromise air with clear air- permit a better life to the building and to their occupants.
Modern generations aeraulic systems permit the ventilation and the replacement of the air, alternating filtration, conditioning, heating up and cool down as needed . Ventilation’s system aim to create more healthy air inside a space, improve the breathe- and also the life and the daily routine- of people enjoying these spaces.
Moreover, a correct ventilation has also as main goal to decrease the concentrations of the harmful chemicals inside the air that stagnate in an environment: the Ministry of the Health call these mixtures VOC (volatile organic compounds) and they exist in various type (the most dangerous is the formaldehyde, that consist in a release for different years; but also the radon- a radioactive inert gas inside the nature- it is carcinogen and it is from the principals pollutants of the air inside the closes spaces). And precisely the ministerial directions, in the case of they remind to the citizens such as escape the stockpile of VOC, they direct the correct practice of a constant ventilation.
Here’s the importance of the aeraulic systems…